Poor HomeStation coverage

The collar has a range of up to 1 mile. This works out to a maximum coverage area of approximately 3.14 square miles. However, the range greatly depends on the type of area you live in and this could be reduced significantly. 

If there is another user near you, the coverage will be automatically extended to included the range of his HomeStation.

The first thing to do is check the location of your HomeStation, which should be placed as high as possible and near a window. HomeStations should never be placed in a basement or in a garage. 

You might want to reposition the HomeStation within your house so it points towards your cat's natural territory. 

Some users buy additional HomeStations and place them at opposite ends of their house to maximise coverage. You can purchase more here: LINK

We also sell an extension for your HomeStation so that the antenna can be mounted outdoors. This consists of a high-quality cable that connects the HomeStation base with the antenna and a bracket to mount it outside, preferably on a roof as height is key to increase the range. Please contact us for more details